Booking FAQs

Having trouble booking tickets online? Here's some handy FAQs on how to book.

If you can't find an answer to your question please give us a call on 01302 303959 or email


How do I find the show I want to book for?

You can search for an event by clicking the yellow magnifying glass icon at the top of the page (Underneath 'Login') or by scrolling through the full list of events on the 'Whats On' page. Once you are on the individual event page, simply click the yellow "Book Now" button in the blue box on the right hand side of the image.

Can I see a seating plan and choose my own seats? 

Yes. If you are booking tickets online for a performance in the Main Space, choose which performance you would like to book for and it will bring a seating plan for you to select your own seats. The blue dots are the available seats and the grey are unavailable. 

If the performance you are booking for is in one of our other spaces (our Second Space for example), seating may be unallocated, meaning you choose your seats when you arrive to see the show. Please arrive in good time, if you wish for your party to all still sit together! 


Can I book seats in one of the boxes?

For some performances, our boxes in the Main Space are only available to be booked via the box office. Please call 01302 303959 or come and see us in person. Please be aware that for some shows, depending on the design of the set, the boxes may offer a slightly restricted view of the stage. 


How do I book tickets for a wheelchair and do you offer carers tickets?

Wheelchair spaces and carer tickets can be booked online by signing up to our free Access Membership, as well as via the box office either over the phone on call 01302 303959 or in person (please check our opening hours). We are only able to a limited number of free carer tickets per show. 


When can I book tickets in the circle?

Depending on the show we may choose to open the circle at a later date. Please call the box office on 01302 303959 and we can add you to the waiting list, then we will get in contact if and when the circle does open.


How do I pay for tickets and is there a charge?

You can pay for tickets in the same way you would over the phone, by entering your long card number, expiry date and security code. There is no extra charge for booking online, and the ticket price is the same regardless of the method of payment. 


How do I get my tickets?

We send tickets to your email address as etickets free of charge. You also have the option to have your tickets posted out to you for £2.50 per order or you may collect them from the box office for £1.00 anytime leading up to the performance, including when you arrive for the show. We will ask for the surname and postcode that the tickets were booked under in order to search for them on our system. If you choose to have tickets posted out, please allow up to 7 days for them to arrive. 


Does my child need a ticket?

Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult in the next adjacent seat for the duration of the performance. Anyone aged 2 and over must have a paid ticket. Under 2s go free, except for shows aimed specifically for early years (0-5 years).


Do you accept Theatre Tokens?

We aren't in a position to take Theatre Tokens at the moment, however we offer a Cast Gift Card. These can be redeemed over the phone, in person or online. Credit last one year from date of purchase.


I can't find my confirmation email.

If you require a confirmation email for your records, the box office can resend it to you. You don't need to show us your email confirmation or order number to collect your tickets, as we will ask for the surname and postcode the tickets were booked under in order to search for them on our system.


I think I have lost my tickets.

If you lose your tickets please call the box office on 01302 303959 so that we can make a note that the tickets have been lost. Depending on the show, we may be able to reprint them on the night of the performance for you to collect from the box office.


Can someone else collect tickets for me?

Yes. The person collecting tickets on your behalf will need to know the surname and postcode the tickets were booked under and what show the tickets are for. It is also helpful if they have the order number or which seats you have booked too. 


I have received your marketing emails does that make me a member?

No. A membership and our mailing list are two separate things. You have received marketing emails because you asked to join the mailing list.

Our membership scheme gives a list of benefits including access to priory booking and starts at as little as £30 per year.

You can find more info and join as a member by clicking here.


I am a member how do I book for a show that is on membership presale?

If you are one of our members, you will need to log into your account first. You can do this by clicking 'Log In' in the top right hand corner. You can also book tickets over the phone on 01302 303959. 


I would like to book more than 10 tickets. Can I do this online? 

The system only allows a maximum of 10 tickets to be booked at once. If you would like to book more than 10 tickets, you can do so in two separate transactions online or by calling the box office on 01302 303959. 


Am I able to reserve tickets?

We can reserve tickets for a maximum of 5 days. If your group requires an invoice, please contact the box office and we can send one via email. 


I think I made a mistake when booking my tickets online. Is there anything I can do?

If you think you have made a mistake when booking tickets online, please contact our box office on 01302 303959 immediately and we will try our best to amend it. Please do not try and book more tickets! As per our terms and conditions, tickets are non refundable.