Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Cast Second Space (unallocated)

Thu 23 October


Lamphouse Theatre presents- Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Take a break Rick Wakeman, back to your trailer Brendan Fraser, watch and learn Jules Verne, Lamphouse are going on a journey all the way to the centre of the Earth! Two intrepid explorers, one impossible mission (featuring at least one joke about a big hole), and no special effects budget whatsoever. What could possibly go wrong? 

From the makers of War of the Worlds (On a Budget) and Frankenstein (On a Budget) this new comedy take on Jules Verne’s classic novel will be one epic night out, full of belly laughs, brand new music and really impressive* dinosaurs. 

Featuring Tom Fox and Becky Owen-Fisher, the familiar faces behind the On a Budget series, Journey to the Centre of the Earth will be another fan favourite. Expect silly jokes, catchy tunes, ridiculous costumes and lots and lots of cardboard.  

*not actually that impressive 

Suitable for 10+ 

A small gem- Dara Ó Briain 


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